All lakes on the map are marked with different colors and according to international standards.
The mark is positioned at the lakes outlet. You can sit anywhere around the lake.
The map is centered over locator specified under "Mina uppgifter" in the log. Current GPS position of the cursor is available at the at the top left. Right-click displays the nearest 400 lakes of the current position. Left click on the lake mark displays the ID, name, and position. Double-clicking zooms in and recenters the map.
Search by "Id" lists who have activated the lake and when.
The current map can be exported to a GPX file for eg Display other maps. Note that the character encoding is UTF-8!
GPS is activated by clicking the GPS-icon in the upper left of the map. Note that the GPS in the computer or mobile device have to be activated to get the exact location. Also note that it will take a while before the GPS report the exact location. The function generates a trace of GPS-points. If there are too many, you may reload the map and re-enable the feature.
General spot | |
Activated lake - RSTS completed (worked on CW is marked with a dot) | |
Worked lake - RSTM completed | |
Activated and worked - Both RSTM & RSTS completed (worked on CW is marked with a dot) | |
GPS track |
Definition of lake
The database of SMSS contains about 100,000 Swedish lakes where everyone has received a four-digit
letter code for ease of identification.
All data comes from SMHI. According to international standards the lakes position is marked
at the exit, it means that the marking of the lake sits at the exit and not in the middle of the lake on the map.
SMHI's definition of "lake" is that it is larger than one hectare, equivalent to 100 X 100 meters.
This means that it can be difficult to find the marker for example, Lake Malaren.
No lakes will be removed and no lakes will be added.
Many smaller lakes, especially in the inner northern Sweden has no official name.
Last active (Senast aktiva)
Displays last day's activity in the log in terms of activated areas.
Five colors indicate timeliness.
GREEN - Area exists in log.
RED - QSO less than 5 minutes.
BLUE - QSO from 5 - 15 minutes.
BLACK - QSO older than 15 minutes.
GREY - QSO older than ca. 12 hours.
Click on lake ID to show the location on the map.
It is important that home operator logs directly and to online time for the information to be useful to others! Synchronize clock against a time server. If the time error is too large the Last active will not be updated.
Chime selectable on / off, with or without repetition under "My data" in the "Logbook".
Last active automatically updated and ping when a new lake added to the list.
Diploma management is automatic and is marked with a link in the log book next to the current score.
After the diploma has been created, it can be downloaded and printed via the Diploma.
Diplomas will be awarded as follows:
Basic Diploma 100 points. Next diploma obtained at 250, the next 500 points and then every 500 points.
The blog
Posting in blog should be related to the activity Swedish lakes.
Think about what you write. Posts that may be considered objectionable or offensive may be deleted, the same applies to images.
Own posts can always be edited. Have a post received comments it can no longer be removed. To delete a post you must first delete all images.
Think of the image rotation. There is a feature Auto rotation of images that reads the image's EXIF data and rotates the image right.
The blog is updated automatically every 10 minutes.
Here are all the results broken down by total points, activated and worked lakes. In addition, you will find all the rival teams and your personal statistics.
To see rival teams' statistics, click the signal below run worked (Körda sjöar).
You can also easily email a person by clicking the signal in the points listing (Poängtävlingen) if you're logged in.
Log book
When logging, data to the other station are crosschecked. To get a confirmed QSO time must be within +/- 1 h, lake ID must match.
Cross Checking is also done against the received field. In this way, one can easily see if an area has already been run. If so it will be highlighted green. Note, the control of the broadcast area will not occur. Event Viewer can be sorted by unconfirmed QSOs by checking the box at the bottom of the log. It is also possible to search any call in any logbook.
It is possible to upload and export an ADIF file using the following standard. When exporting the entire log is always exported. The log file can be edited with ADIF2XLS.
Offline Logging:
Logging can be done with. SMSSLog.pdf Please note, we provide no support whatsoever to the program which you can download here.
SMSSLog Ver-1.0